Explanation of the Four Fundamentals

This book centers around four foundation rules that help explain the meaning of shirk and clarify the many misconceptions that surround the subject.

د توحيد په وضاحت کښي څلور بنيادي اصول

دا‭ ‬کتاب‭ ‬دتوحيد‭ ‬باره‭ ‬کښي‭ ‬په‭ ‬ډيرو‭ ‬مهمو‭ ‬بحثونو‭ ‬مشتمل‭ ‬دی‭ ‬چه‭ ‬دتوحید‭ ‬اهميت‭ ‬او‭ ‬دهغي‭ ‬حقيقت‭ ‬په‭ ‬کې‭ ‬ښه‭ ‬واضح‭ ‬شويدی

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