Islamic Perspective on Sex

This is a book in German in which the author confirms that Islam acknowledges the fact that one’s sexual desire has to be satisfied. It considers fulfilling this desire a praiseworthy matter, as long as it is done within Shari’ah limits. It is not disdainful to satisfy this desire, nor should it be neglected.” He also said, ”In this booklet we will discuss the Islamic method of satisfying sexual desire, and how it can be transformed from a base desire into an act of worship through which a Muslim receives reward.”

Islam und Sexualität

Dieses Buch behandelt unter anderem folgende Themen: Der Geschlechtstrieb aus der Sicht des Islam,
Die Schritte, die der Islam für die Regulierung des Geschlechtstriebes vorsieht,
Heirat im Islam,
Die Scheidung im Islam,
Einige Ergebnisse der unkontrollierten Sexualität.

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